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Welcome to Eudaimonia


This site hosts my monthly blog and podcast about reclaiming your guiding/guardian daimon. What is a daimon, you may ask? This concept dates back millennia at least as far back as the life of Socrates in Hellenic antiquity. Socrates claimed that all individuals are born with a guardian daimon - a sort of intemediary figure between humanity and the divine/gods. This daimon works behind the scenes of your life helping to ensure that you are living authentically and in alignment with your unique soul's purpose. The daimon can manifest in any number of ways but Socrates' daimon mainly came to him in order to prevent him from making colossal mistakes but rarely appeared in other circumstances. Daimons, however, are as unique as the human individuals who embody them in the earthly realm and can come to us in any number of ways: in dreams, deep meditations or altered states of consciousness, and, as was my case, can first appear to you in the wake of a profound trauma or tragedy in your life.


What does Eudaimonia mean? The term translates to "eu" (good) and "daimon": spirit, fate, destiny...As you can see, this term is notoriously difficult to translate into modern English. However, the general idea behind eudaimonia is that of profound happiness and well-being experienced by those who are living lives in alignment with their soul's purpose. The tricky thing is that what the ego wants may conflict with the soul's deeper purpose and if you feel like you are living at odds with yourself or struggling with chronic anxiety or depression, this may be the root cause of these psychological maladies. (Please do not regard my writings on finding/reclaiming your daimon as a replacement for psychological and/or psychiatric guidance. I myself regularly see both a therapist and a psychiatrist and am working with my daimon as a supplementary measure to deepen these practices). I do, however, wholeheartedly believe that many of the problems modern society faces can be traced back to a woefully disenchanted worldview and the resultant alienation from the deepest depths of our core selves. Even mainstream psychology is woefully alienated from the original meaning of the term: logos (language) of psyche (the soul). Studying transpersonal and/or depth psychology - look at the work of Carl Jung and/or James Hillman as a start - can be a fantastic place to begin your exploration of a psychology that lives up to its name. I am hopeful that this podcast will also provide resources and advice for how to find and reclaim your own soul through the lens of the ancient figure of the daimon. The daimon can be seen as both the guardian of your soul and the soul itself. (Re)connect with them (I deliberately choose non-binary terms here as I don't believe the daimon is gendered even if they choose appear to you in male, female, or androgynous form), and you will be well on your way to living the life your soul intended for you from your birth.

Who am I? (Mini-bio.)


Courtney Kleftis

My name is Courtney and I am the creator and host of this website, blog, and podcast. I am a thirty-something queer feminist librarian-in-training and am devoted to recovering long-silenced and marginalized voices both in my personal and professional lives. This podcast started as a means of documenting my own path to reclaiming my soul in the wake of my mother's unexpected death in 2012. I lacked language to conceptualize my own profoundly mystical experiences which is why I have created this project to help others who've had similar experiences begin to understand what is happening to them. Love from my daimon/soul to yours. 

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