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  • Writer's pictureCourtney Kleftis

Episode 2 - (Belated) Show Notes

I have been horribly remiss and neglected to post show notes, as I indicated in the episode, for episode 2.Whoops!

There's not much at all for me to share with you, except some publication/edition info. for the "Emily" trilogy by L.M. Montgomery...

See below:

So, enjoy the lovely cover photos of all three books in the trilogy (my personal copies), if you are a visual person, like I am. :)

See below images of the copyright pages for all 3 books:

Book 1 - "Emily of New Moon" (Bantam ed., 1993 reissue)

Book 2 - "Emily Climbs" (New Canadian Library Ed., © 1989)

Book 3 - "Emily's Quest" (Bantam Books ed., 1993 reissue).

Enjoy your reading!!!

"As much as you enjoyed reading it..." I am sure L,M. Montgomery (diabolically) enjoyed writing it! ;)


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