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  • Writer's pictureCourtney Kleftis

Eudaimonia PILOT Episode

Check out the pilot episode of my daimonic podcast!

There aren't really any show notes for this one, beyond a handful of links, a recommended read (which will likely be the topic of episodes 2-3), and a correction.

Towards the end of the pilot episode I accidentally referred to Joseph Campbell (mythologist) as James Hillman (depth psychologist). I reference both of them in the episode and I guess I got myself mixed up between the two J's. Pardon the error!

For more on the daimon, I would recommend starting with the Wikipedia entry (a good launching point) -

and/or this phenomenal and inspirational read:

Stop by within the month (hopefully by mid-October, more likely late October around Halloween/Samhain) for episode #2!

Just an FYI: I work full-time, am in library school at night, and am working on this podcast entirely solo (I do all the planning, recording, editing, and marketing), so be patient and don't expect new episodes to come out as quickly as they do with many other podcasts. I am not a professional podcaster, and, alas, do not have time to devote all/most of my energies to this endeavor.

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