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  • Writer's pictureCourtney Kleftis

Episode 3 - Living Your Myth (Show Notes)

In a shockingly timely fashion, I am including these show notes in the actual episode link... :)

I figured it was more important than ever to do so, since I have much more detailed info. to share with my lovely listeners than I did in months/episodes past.

FROM PART 1 of the episode:

Check out Jung's "Memories, Dreams, Reflections", available for sale from Amazon (and hopefully also elsewhere if you wish to support local/small businesses):

Here's the Google (partial) ebook version of Joseph Campbell's "Pathways to Bliss" that I read and referenced in the podcast episode:

Wrapping up the Campbell theme, check out the following Youtube clip I excerpted from in the episode on the notion of "follow[ing] your bliss" -

FROM PARTS 2 - 3 of the episode:

- Wikipedia article/entry on the "Psyche and Cupid/Eros" myth a la Apuleius (a.k.a. #donkeyman):

For the French art song by the title, "Psyche", which I played a teasing clip from in between parts 2 and 3 of this episode, check out the following:

- (Youtube recording, featuring Susan Graham & Malcom Martineau, and images from the score with text and English translation!!!)

Finally, the secondary literature I referenced in the episode:

- (admittedly, I read "Psyche's Knife" in the pre-published, dissertation version courtesy of ProQuest).

- Thornton, Janelle. “Eros and Psyche.” ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2013. Print.

(An MLA citation for the thesis-novel I discuss in the episode - available through ProQuest)

Last but not least, enjoy these two humorous accounts (on Youtube and another podcast) of the Psyche and Eros myth:

Have fun with your reading and listening! :)

Also... HAPPY THANKSGIVING! (Stay safe, healthy, and sane!)

Until next month!


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